Our Commitment to Sustainability 2019


After a successful and safe winter season, it was time to uphold our commitment to sustainability for 2019.

This includes donations to a few organizations:

• Pemberton Wildlife Association: 500$

The PWA does amazing work from a dedicated group of volunteers to maintain the backcountry areas around Pemberton. They are environmental stewards, maintain recreational access and support conservation in the Pemberton area. This money will hopefully help a little with managing the increased user impacts in the Owl-Tenquille area which has seen a spike in visitation in the last half-decade. A big thank you to Allen McEwan for all his volunteer effort.

• Pemberton Search and Rescue : 300$

Unlike the Mountain National Park service which hires professionals full time to perform rescues, the Pemberton region is serviced by local Search and Rescue volunteers. The Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) provides limited funding so this will hopefully help a little towards equipment and training costs for the volunteers that risk themselves and put their time second to rescuing others in the woods.

• Mountain Mentors: A trip valued at 450$

Last winter, we offered a free trip (the White Gold trip) to one the mentors in the Mountain Mentors program. This would help her develop her skills to then pass on knowledge to her mentee. It’s also a thank you to reward and entice mentors to enrol and pass on their knowledge (which they do for free) to their mentees. The Mountain Mentors program is dedicated towards passing on knowledge and removing barriers of entry for women in the backcountry.

Although these amounts are small. We’re a small company and these small contributions are our commitment to paying it forward. Every little bit counts.